While patrolling the streets of Ra madi in Iraq, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Rene Fernandez’s humvee ran into trouble.
"I don’t remember much about the attack, just what others have told me when I was in the hospital recov ering," the Atascocita resident said.
When the vehicle arrived at a choke point, it was struck by an im provised explosive device. Shrapnel hit Fernandez’s helmet and rock hit him in the face, which was fractured, as well as in his right arm and body. He also has neuropathic pain, right sided paresis, short term memory loss, back has two herniated discs
"I was sitting in the front seat and took 90 percent of the blast," Fer nandez said. "I was taken to the hos pital in Ramadi where I was resusci tated three times."
Once the doctors were able to sta bilize him, Fernandez was diag nosed with a traumatic brain injury. He was taken to a hospital in Ger many and from there to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. During his reha bilitation period, Fernandez was able to recover from most of his in juries but is still suffering from short-term memory loss due to the brain injury.
Dealing with his injuries, Fernan dez is enrolled in Lee College in Bay town and working to get a degree in social science. He hopes to get into the education field.
"I don’t want people feeling sorry for me or handing me anything in life. I have worked hard to recover and I plan to continue my college career at my own pace," he said.
Fernandez is married to Jamie, a fifth-grade teacher at San Jacinto El ementary School in Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District, who is looking for a job closer to her home.
Fernandez grew up in Rosenburg. In 1994, he joined the Army as a pri vate and was working his way up to become command sergeant major before he was injured. In 2007, Fer nandez was retired from the mili tary. Prior to being retired, Fernan dez received two Purple Hearts, an Army Commendation Medal and two Global War Terrorism ribbons for his service in Iraq.
Read the full story HERE.
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